Media / Commercials
Media / Commercials
BarCode Media provides you the easiest and most cost effective creative resource for your visual media needs. We have expertise to extent state tax credit benefits which contribute to the over all budget along with financing the tax credits for our clients or agencies. BarCode is your one stop shop for your visual media needs. BarCode Media can deliver everything from explosive action to food spots, creating in house enhanced VFX and animation. Our goal is to give you simply the best production value with ease available in the industry from start to finish.
BarCode Media has over 25 years experience in sales, marketing and sports marketing that include experiences coming from world-wide retail outlets and professional sports groups. Our extensive knowledge and relationships will provide your company with the resources to best communicate your visual media needs to your clients, consumers or specific market demographics; by producing and executing your strategic creative marketing concepts. BarCode Media, "We Make Creative Come to Life".